Archives Ministries


Local Freedom In Christ Ministries, a proven faith-based rehabilitation program, focuses on the practical applications of Christian teachings. Adults learn how to change deeply entrenched, self-destructive behavior, and also discover a new identity in Christ that makes these changes possible.…


The goal of our Junior and Senior High Ministry is to make each student a disciple of Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through: Meeting time: Wednesday evening at 7 PM. Contact Information: Juan Briones


We desire to see women grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is done through monthly meetings, retreats, and special events. Join us and be a part of our growing fellowship. Download the study questions for the…


Our primary emphasis is to grow in our knowledge of the Word of God and to foster fellowship and friendship among men. We aim to encourage men to develop consistent devotional habits and to get involved in serving the church and…


What is the Children’s Ministry? The Children’s Ministry is a Biblically-based ministry that supports children from birth to 5th grade. Parent involvement is encouraged. Our desire is to provide an atmosphere that is both fun and educational for children and…